Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday Tweets

I never really saw the point in Twitter – that is to say, unless I am creepy stalker then yes, there is a point to Twitter. That all changed yesterday when I was looking at the funeral wreath sitting on our kitchen table. I really needed to tell someone this. It wasn't something I wanted to post on one specific person's facebook wall and it definitely wasn't anything to blog about (at the time). Yes, Twitter would've come in handy then. But then I got thinking about how there is a ton of random stuff that happens to us daily and I never blog about any of it. This is really too bad since most of it is comical – or at least falls into that category. (Yeah the funeral wreath is a little dark but it's still kind of funny). So here are some ramblings of the day – some "tweets" if you will. (Although I realize that I could never actually use Twitter. I have way too much to say for that outlet."

There is a funeral wreath sitting on our kitchen table. It was leftover at the church and since these things cost money, they didn't just want to throw it. So now it is here. On the table. I first saw it when I came back from work for our lunch break. It was a weird thing.

It's cold here. It's June and we are freezing. This is a new experience. We sit bundled up under blankets and layers and layers of socks. Since we don't have central heating, I spend a lot of time hugging the oven. I also basically wear the same clothes every single day. It's yummy.

Today is a public holiday. I was not aware of that until yesterday afternoon in the office. It's like having a surprise birthday present. It's fabulous. I've been baking up a storm all day thus far because it is the only thing that keeps me warm.

Our water kettle is under a year warranty. This is the second time it's broke since we got it. It still sits on our counter, waiting for us to remember to take it back to Game to exchange it for another one.

BIRDS. ARE. DINOSAURS! One day in the office Connie told us of how her ex-boyfriend had watched this thing in his 11th grade science class about how dinosaurs have evolved into birds. We now say this phrase all the time. There was a solid week where I couldn't say that without laughing. But I believe this is true. We have these insane Ibis birds here and they are definitely dinosaurs. I don't care what you say. Dinosaurs are definitely making a comeback in our lives right now. Kyle, who I think is part velociraptor, and I have often make raptor noises and sometimes "velociraptor" Connie and Gabby around the kitchen. It's awesome. Also, above the doorway leading on to the Manse's stoop is "Pro-choice-asaurous." Also another great office moment. We found this plastic dinosaur in the youth office one afternoon. Connie read the type of dinosaur it was (it was written on the bottom) and for some reason I thought she said "Pro-choice-asaurous." (It definitely wasn't called that). Her face is ripped off by a republican. The boys then took her and dangled her above the door frame with duck tape. She has been up there for weeks now.

Dwight is gone. And I am not sad. She was the grossest cat I have ever met. She ran away/got killed/got kidnapped a few weeks ago. She was too expensive for us to really keep, she farted all the time, pooped everywhere and plagued the house with fleas for weeks. (We actually had them come spray again yesterday because Gabby and I were starting to get bit again). I think Kyle is the only one who is emotionally devastated by her disappearance.

I have decided that I like the World Cup. Soccer is still not that exciting to me but I really love the Olypmics and so this type of world competition feeds that part of my heart. We've watched a lot of games thus far and will continue in this vein. When I don't particularly care about who is playing (aka when Bafana, the USA, Argentina, Paraguay and/or Ghana isn't playing) then I enjoy cheering for the underdog. Last night I cheered for North Korea. It was awesome even though that game was awful to watch. And even though I still want to hate the vuvuzelas I don't know if I really can. I read this editoral on (it's now posted on my facebook wall) about how it's kind of awesome because you don't even have to be in the room to know what is on TV. You hear the vuvuzelas and instantly know. I am just glad I am not in the stadium with them. I also wish the neighbor kid wouldn't blow them at 6:45 in the morning – but I guess it's not too bad since that only happens on Bafana's game days.

My stupid computer cord isn't working again. It has moods when it just won't work. It freaks me out. I am afraid that it won't come back sometimes. So I pray that it will and that I will be able to post this blog tomorrow. (Yep. Now it's fine).

Connie is teaching me how to knit. This is exciting.

We might have said goodbye to Joe and Anna Sawatzky yesterday evening. (We may see them in a few days but if not than that's it). They are the first people real "goodbyes" that I have had thus far. It's really strange. They have been like our extended family members. I have been blessed by knowing them. It was a really moment saying goodbye to them.

Andrew Suderman can make Levi Sawatzky (who is maybe 2 or 3) say the World Cup theme (or whatever this is). He'll say "Feel it!" and Levi will replay with "It is here!" It's so cute. One time Anna was trying to get her son to say it and he responded with "I don't want to feel it!"

We have this perfect spoon in the manse at the kitchen. It is the best for measuring instant coffee. I love it. It disappeared after the whole Potjie thing during convention but then it suddenly made a comeback into our lives a few weeks ago. The problem still remains though – I drink way too much coffee! I never used to be this person.

Well these are my very long "Tweet-like" thoughts. I am sure I will have more later.


  1. Awesome "tweets"! Keep them coming!

  2. Do you really drink instant coffee Anna? Gross. But I am glad that you now drink coffee. Looking forward to Dollop dates in Chicago!
