Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sweet, Sweet, Sweet November

I haven't blogged for a week, which is odd behavior for me. My mother even asked me yesterday if I was okay she hadn't heard from me/ I hadn't blogged in a while.

The main reason for the lack of blogs is the simple fact that I honestly have nothing to say. That and I feel like nothing interesting enough to deserve its own blog post has happened. Things are settling into a constant routine, which is good I guess even though it is rather mundane.

But I do have good news to report so here are a few previous week highlights.

Number 1: On Wednesday, Kyle got a package from his parents. Included in the package was Season Five of The Office! We were ecstatic. Since we still have some episodes left, we are still excited.

Number 2: Also included in this package (but cool enough to get its own recognition) were better mousetraps than apparently all the ones in this country. Seriously. We set them up that evening and guess how many we caught? 4 in a ½ hour. No lie. The first trap actually caught two at the same time. Wednesday evening was a very great time. Since that time we've caught 6 more for a grand total of 9. Actually now the real problem is that the only mice left are the babies, which are too small to set off the trap. So it's an uphill battle. But it's coming and someday I hope there will not be mouse poop on all of our silverware.

Number 3: On one of our journeys to Pick N' Pay, Connie and stopped at the new grocery store down the block from our usual store to check it out. And guess what!? They have black beans!!! Connie and I have been searching everywhere for them. It is so great! Connie made black bean burgers on Thursday night. It was awesome.

Number 4: I skipped youth celebration again on Friday. Yep. I am a terrible person. But I am still not a cell because they keep having celebrations, so it's really awkward. So instead, I stayed home and worked on some of my writing. It was awesome. I haven't done that forever. Definitely the best part of my week.

Number 5 Phil and Christine were in Cape Town this whole week. Before they left they told us that we could use their house to hang out if we wanted to. So on Friday night we headed up to Hilton and stayed until Saturday afternoon – watching movies and basically doing nothing. Apart from the fact that I couldn't fall asleep that evening, it was really stellar. Hilton is a rather safe part of Pietermaritzburg too so in the morning I laced up my tennis shoes (or runners – that's just for you Ruthie) and went for a job. I nearly died, which is frustrating since I worked at running all summer. But it's all gone. Even though I couldn't breathe during the run, it was nice not get catcalled the whole time.

Number 6: This hasn't happened yet but I have enough anticipation for it that I will count it. On Sundays, the Americans make supper. And Connie and I decided that when we cook, we are going to have international themes. So tonight's theme?: Mexican Sunday. On the menu, Spanish rice, refried beans (that we are making) and make your own tacos. We are also making our own tortillas. Yep. It's going to be awesome.

Well these were just some things. Hopefully this coming week will bring about better things to blog about.


  1. My prayer for you this week is that you will continue to find ways to live out God's love for you and to see the possibilities for God to work in, through and around you where you are now. May this time prepare you to remain present to the Spirit of God throughout your life.
    and...i like the theme Sunday meals! Have a great week.

  2. Oh, what are the other themes you are dreaming up?
